Farming & Horticulture
First Defended Health and Safety Prosecution
Kiwifruit Orchard Fatality leads to first defended Health and Safety...
Buying, Selling or Leasing a Kiwifruit Orchard?
For kiwifruit growers, buying, selling or leasing an orchard is a...
SunGold G3 licences can form part of rateable land for now?
A recent ‘test case’ in the High Court has held that the...
Greenhouse Gas Contributors Face Trial
On 7th February the Supreme Court released its decision on the highly...
6 Things To Consider Before Selling Your Business
Overview Here’s a thought that we’ll come back to...
Protecting our Highly Productive Land
NPS finally released The long-awaited National Policy Statement for...
What do Directors need to know?
When Cash is King but it's running short - what do directors need...
IPCC Sixth Assessment Report What does it mean for NZ?
There's no ignoring the IPCC Sixth Assessment...
Governance versus management for SME directors
No matter how big or small the company, a director’s primary...
Proceed with caution - Don't let your emails bind you
With the global Covid-19 pandemic accelerating remote working and...
Framework to Regulate On-farm Emissions
He Waka Eke Noa: Developing NZ’s Framework to Regulate On-farm...
Forging Ahead with Freshwater Farm Plans
Forging Ahead with Freshwater Farm Plans – Have Your Say on...
Pricing Agricultural Emissions
Proposal by He Waka Eke Noa for a Farm-Level System Recently He Waka...
Small shared drinking water suppliers - do you understand the changes?
People responsible for supplying drinking water to more than one...