Celebrating 25 Years With CLM

Celebrating 25 Years With CLM

As a new graduate walking through the door of Cooney Lees Morgan on 14 March 1994, Peter Rust recalls feeling “a bit nervous”.

It was his first job in the legal profession and communication was still by way of faxes and snail-mail.

“If I received a fax I knew I’d better respond in a day. If it was a letter, no-one would expect to hear from you for at least two or three days,” he recalls.

Fast forward 25 years, and times (and technology) have certainly changed.

Peter is now a Special Counsel and founding member of our Property & Development practice group.

He was the first person Partner Owen Cooney ever employed to work directly alongside him – a move Owen says “was the best employment decision I’ve ever made”.

“Peter also worked very closely with my father. Desmond had a great deal of faith in Rusty who really helped him move from fulltime to semi-retirement which my father was very appreciative of.”

Cooney Lees Morgan quickly came to appreciate Peter’s intelligence, enthusiasm and collegial personality and we’ve been lucky to have had him with us for so long.

For his part, Peter says he’s always appreciated working for a good solid firm with smart people who are easy to get along with. While he’s not the type to feel sentimental or celebrate the 25 year milestone, we’re happy to have marked the occasion this week with a social gathering or two.

He’s also “not planning to leave any time soon” so thankfully we’re set to benefit from his expertise for a few more years to come!

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