Admin & Support
Management / Administration
I joined the Cooney Lees Morgan team in August 2015.
Previously I have worked in the pharmaceutical, agriculture and airline industries, so working in law was another exciting change for me.
Marketing, personal assistant, office administration, team leadership and customer service are all part of my extensive work experience. Since joining Cooneys, my role has primarily been marketing, sponsorhsip, events and client functions.
Cooney Lees Morgan are very focused on supporting the community in a variety of ways and my job puts me in contact with great organisations within the Tauranga business community. My role is not only to build the firm's profle in the Bay of Plenty market and nationally, but to liaise with clients and community groups in the Bay of Plenty building our sponsorship profile in line with our Strategic Plan.
When I’m not at work I’m usually relaxing with the family and friends or at equestrian competitions with my daughter around the north island.